A day after the Indian cricket board said that it will not be able to host the T20 World Cup, the International Cricket Council (ICC) issued a statement confirming that the multi-nation tournament will be held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman from October 17 to November 14.
“The BCCI will remain the hosts of the event, which will now be held in Dubai International Stadium, the Sheikh Zayed Stadium in Abu Dhabi, the Sharjah Stadium, and the Oman Cricket Academy Ground, from 17 October to 14 November 2021,” said a statement from ICC.
The initial stage of the tournament will likely be held in Oman and a venue in UAE soon after the remainder of the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2021 ends in the country.
“Our priority is to deliver the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2021 safely, in full and in its current window. Whilst we are incredibly disappointed not to be hosting the event in India, the decision gives us the certainty we need to stage the event in a country that is a proven international host of multi-team events in a bio-secure environment. We will work closely with the BCCI, the Emirates Cricket Board and Oman Cricket to ensure fans can enjoy a wonderful celebration of cricket,” said Geoff Allardice, the acting ICC CEO, in a statement.
The president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), Sourav Ganguly, said that the Board would have been happier hosting the tournament in India.
“We would have been happier hosting it in India but considering the uncertainty due to the Covid-19 situation and the importance of a world championship, the BCCI will now continue to host this tournament in UAE and Oman,” said Ganguly.
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Press Release, Source: IANS
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