All India Football Federation has announced the yearly awards to Indian players. National Football team captain Sunil Chhetri has been awarded with “Player of the Year” for the 3rd time in four years whereas Bala Devi is declared “Woman Player of the Year”.
Indian Super League finalist Kerala Blasters’ Sandesh Jhingan was announced “Emerging Player of the Year”.
Sunil Chhetri said, “It’s humbling to be awarded the prestigious Award for a record fourth time. I’ve said this before and reiterate that while the accolades and awards may be fulfilling, it is the love for doing what I do best that keeps me going.”
“There are some great names in the list who have received the award earlier and winning it for the fourth time makes me feel proud. If you look at the list there have been many whom I have been lucky to play along with and there have been some whom I have always looked up to during my school days.”
“It means a lot to me. It’s an inspiration to further improve and meet the responsibilities and expectations which come along it. That all the Coaches found be competent to receive the Award is a huge honour for me.” He added.
AIFF Player of the year | Sunil Chhetri |
Woman Player of the year | Bala Devi |
Emerging Player of the year | Sandesh Jhingan |
Chhetri was selected for the award on the basis of votes from I-league club coaches whereas Bala Devi was named winner for her performance in South Asian Football Federation (SAFF) women’s crown in Islamabad as she scored 16 goals in the tournament to retain the title.
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