Board of Cricket Control in India secretary Mr. Anurag Thakur has said the BCCI has invited Pakistan cricket team to play proposed bilateral series in India. He mentions that board will resume discussion with PCB over the talks of cricketing ties between two nations if Pakistan is ready to play series in India.
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Initially the ball was in Indian government’s pole as BCCI seek government permission to host Pakistan for 3 ODIs and 2 Twenty20s. As per Anurag Thakur, government has given permission for Indo-Pak series in India but government has forbidden to send team Pakistan or UAE for series.
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Mr. Thakur said, “We can only start talking if they agree to play in India. It was not possible to play in Pakistan and a neutral venue as the Indian government would not give the permission.”
“To keep the India-Pakistan series alive the BCCI has made an effort and spoken to the PCB [to see] if they are keen to play in India. Then we can take matters forward, and we can talk and discuss with the [Indian] government and further work out the details of the series,” he added.
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