The Board of Cricket Control in India (BCCI) has nominated the committee members list for 2016 ICC World T20 to be played in March-April. Dr. MV Sridhar who is General Manager for Cricket Operations in BCCI, is appointed as the tournament director for Twenty20 world cup schedules to be held in India from 11 March to 3 April.
The complete list of tournament organizing committee members is mentioned below.
Profile/Post | Appointed Member |
Tournament Director | Dr. MV Sridhar |
Director of Security and ACSU | Mr. Neeraj Kumar |
Principal Coordinator | Mr. Amrit Mathur |
Finance Manager | Mr. RP Shah |
Manager for Cricket Operations | Mr. KVP Rao |
Media Manager | Mr. Nishant Jeet Arora |
Logistics and Hospitality Manager | Mr. Mayank Parikh |
Committee Advisor | Professor Ratnakar Shetty |
This list is forward to cricket governing council ICC for the approval. BCCI Honorable Secretary Mr. Anurag Thakur mentioned, “The names of the above mentioned personnel have been forwarded to the ICC.
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